8 Tips for Glowing Skin

Much emphasis is put on taking care of our skin from the outside. This is achieved by cleanser, masks, exfoliators, serums and more. If you go to your local drug store, isles are dedicated to skin health and we cant forget our favorite stores like Sephora and Ulta. Our skin is an organ and like all of our organs, it needs proper internal care to do what is does best, protect us! A bonus perk of having skin that is healthy is that it will look healthy on the outside, it will glow, and we will be getting compliments from people asking us about our skincare routine! Here I am going to give you 8 helpful tips to get glowing skin from the inside out!

1. Limit Dairy and Gluten Consumption

If your lactose or gluten intolerant, the best way to reduce your gut inflammation is to reduce your consumption or to cut it out altogether. Why you ask? Inflammation in your gut is directly related to inflammation that shows up on your face. People with acne and redness/rosacea will greatly benefit from this modification.

2: Drink Water!

This is an evident tip that seems hard at times because of a busy schedule or just forgetting. Water is not just great for giving you energy, it is a detox agent for your body and skin. A great way to determine how much water you need each day is to take your weight in lbs, divide it by 2, and drink that number in ounces of water. PRO TIP: Carry a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go.

3. Limit alcohol

Alcohol is fun and I get it, YOLO right? Wrong. Alcohol can really affect your body, mind, and skin. Alcohol is known for dehydrating the skin and as a result your skin will lack luster, your eyes will sink inwards, and you will just have a tired look on your face. If you want to look your best in your natural skin, your going to want to limit alcohol and opt for something hydrating.

4. Wear less makeup

Makeup is a beautiful way to enhance our appearance and is a respectful art, however all the harsh ingredients and chemicals in makeup are being absorbed by your skin having a less than appealing affect on your skin overtime. Also, walking around with a film on your skin all day doesn't give your skin a chance to breath. Without your skin receiving oxygen, your skin cells will start to die and the amount of bacteria on your skin will continue to multiply and cause congestion and breakouts. Its great to give your skin a break from makeup or stop wearing makeup altogether. After having a bare face, you see and feel a significant difference in your skin PRO TIP: Purchase vegan & cruelty free makeup brands and wash your makeup off before sleeping.

5. Increase fruits and veggies

Why is this important? one word, Oxidation. An example of oxidation is a banana. When you first bring a banana home its probably still not ripe and not fully yellow with some green parts. As days pass the banana begins to ripen and becomes yellow. As its exposed to the environment for a few more days, it starts to get brown freckles and eventually turns completely brown/black. This is the effect of oxidation. This happens to human beings but at a much slower pace. Antioxidants are whats in certain foods and they slow down oxidation in our body so they are extremely important for our skin and internal organs. Fruits and veggies are nutrient dense foods packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that ward off disease and contribute to healthy, glowing skin. Include a veggie, preferably dark leafy greens. with every meal and at least 2 cups of fruits, preferably citrus and berry fruits, per day.

6: Self-care

Reduce stress and reward yourself beautiful, you deserve it! In 2020 self-care, mental health, and boundaries has been the forefront of the decade and for a good reason. Take time to reduce your stress with exercise, meditation, yoga, journaling, taking a warm bath, reading a book, gardening. Anything that makes you feel relaxed. Treat yourself with a massage, facial, mani/pedi, float session, expensive five star dinner,night out. Whatever is your definition of a reward to yourself, do it. This is going to help you look happier and less stressed because you WILL be less tired and stressed. People can see you radiating from the inside out.

7: Quit smoking

I can go on and on about why you should not smoke but ill keep it sweet and simple. Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals per cigarette and your body does not like chemicals so as a defense mechanism it will try and secrete out all of the toxins from the skin so all of those chemicals, and tar stay within your skin because it cannot excrete as fast as your consuming and it all gets stuck inside your pores. Smoking will age you and make your skin look tired and have a yellowish tint.

8. Sleep

During sleep your nervous system is turned off temporarily but all other functions increase to revitalize your body and skin while your sleeping. That is why its called a beauty sleep! 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep will having you waking up feeling rested and with a bright face! PRO TIP: Keep your phone out of your room when getting ready to sleep to increase relaxation and sleepiness

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 


Not all peels are made the same!