Xeomin & Botox

Xeomin is an FDA-approved neurotoxin, like Botox, that temporarily weakens muscles for up to 3-4 months. For cosmetic purposes, Xeomin is used to treat muscles that can cause wrinkles, fine lines, or droopy eyebrows, making the skin appear tightened and lifted.

What conditions does Xeomin help?

Muscle spasms, Lazy eye, Crossed eyes, Torticollis, Cervical dystonia

What can I expect during the procedure?

Xeomin comes in powder form and is mixed with saline and placed in small vials. Skin Nurse Aesthetics applies a numbing solution and makes small strategic injections in the places on your face where you want the wrinkles to relax.

Because the needle your provider uses to administer the Xeomin is ultra-fine, the sensation you feel is only mildly uncomfortable, like a pinch.

How long will my results last?

The Xeomin procedure only takes about 10-15 minutes, and the positive effects are evident within an hour or two. Full results are visible in nearly 10-14 days and last up to 4 months.

If you’re interested in turning back the hands of time, consider Xeomin. Skin Nurse Aesthetics or book your appointment online for a consultation.

Skin Nurse Aesthetics’ knowledgeable and friendly staff can answer any questions or concerns you may have.

online for a consultation.