Microneedling shelby, township

Minimize Acne Scars & Promote Collagen Production


Microneedling is a skin rejuvenation treatment that is safe and effective for the face and body including the face, neck, and décolletage (the area of your chest that is exposed when you wear a top with a lower neckline).

It can help improve:

Sun damage & sun spots

Age and brown spots

Fine lines and wrinkles

Stretch marks

is microneedling for you?

Microneedling is designed to maximize collagen growth for up to two years after getting just one treatment. It mainly treats acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, thinness of the skin, hormonal melasma, skin tightening, large pores, deep and fine lines and skin sagging, and mild rosacea This treatment is also a preventative treatment for those looking to continue building collagen to make up for the 1% loss that we go through each year after age 25.

Here is how it Works!

Microneedling utilizes micro surgical titanium steel needles to penetrate the skin creating micro openings in the top layer of the skin, thus stimulating the lower layers to produce more collagen and elastin without major damage or pain. Just as you have to stress muscle fibers to build more muscle, this stress on the lower layers of skin will stimulate the body to self-repair with more structural support!

The micro-trauma to the skin created by the needle tips activates blood to the treated site (erythema/redness & in some cases pinpoint bleeding) which release natural growth factors and in return creates the cellular matrix. Synthesis of new collagen, elastin, Glycosaminoglycans & Mucopolysaccharides and Angiogenesis (forming of new blood vessels) will take place. By creating microscopic channels (artificial holes) in the skin a repair system is triggered. Fibroblast cells work to replace collagen fibers of the skin and begin to repair. The cell renewal is stimulated and the skin starts making more collagen and elastin.

When we fall down and scrape our skin, the brain is signaled to send the collagen repair cells to the trauma site to heal the skin as it grows back together. The same cellular interaction occurs from the micro-injuries caused by CIT/Micro-needling and because the skin is not ablated, those collagen repair cells that are released work to rejuvenate the skin's appearance making it bouncier, more plump, and hydrated.