Exosomes:The newest breakthrough in regenerative aesthetics

Science has done it again by getting better with time and bringing us the absolute best in regenerative aesthetics today. 

Exosomes have been around for quite some time in the biology world but we are now starting to see exosomes on the rise in regenerative aesthetics.

So what gives? What are exosomes exactly and what do they do?

Exosomes differ from cells because they are not cells, however they are tiny vesicles that are made by cells within cells and can be transported outside of cells to assist and help other cells in need.

These tiny vesicles called exosomes carry growth factors, cytokines, protein, and information that can be used by other cells who are in need of cell assistance from trauma or weakening.

In other words they facilitate tissue repair and regeneration of cells in need and build collagen while decreasing inflammation.

How are Exosomes Used?

Exosomes are readily available for at home use on a daily basis to be applied topically, however you will see them being used mostly in the treatment room applied topically before and/or after an invasive treatment such as a laser or RF or regular Microneedling and other advanced skin procedures.

Exosomes are a great additive to any treatment however they are outstanding when used for procedures that cause inflammation and need sufficient healing time. They speed up the recovery process by bringing inflammation down and speed up healing time while getting the absolute best result per treatment!

They are also amazing for hair regrowth, general skin redness, fine lines/wrinkles, skin crepiness, dullness, rough texture and under eye hollows.

How are exosomes derived?

Their are both plant exosomes and human exosomes. Human exosomes are often extracted from platelet derived cells that come from human blood. Plant based exosomes follow a similar extraction from plant based stem cells.

Final Say.

Whether your goal is to gain slower and longer term results in your skin at home or integrate exosomes with your resurfacing treatments, exosomes are for all skin types and promote a radiant, hydrated and even toned complexion.

Exosomes paired with Microneedling visibly reduces the appearance of scars, fine lines, and wrinkles, resulting in firmer and smoother looking skin.

Priscilla Hanna RN, LE


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