5 Not so obvious Valentines Day date ideas to do with your Valentine!

Ditch the traditional roses and candlelit dinner this valentine, and embrace a not so obvious date this valentines day! I’m giving you 5 broad valentines day date ideas with some examples, you can also use your own interests to decide on the details!

1.do a new activity that youve never done before together

Nothing creates a better bonding experience than doing an unfamiliar activity together where your brains and bodies are being challenged by new experiences.

Examples: Go to an escape room, take a cooking class, do a puzzle at home and order take out, take a pottery class, a wood making class, a meditation/yoga experience, or anything that one or both of you have been interested in doing but havent yet!

2. Do something exhilarating and dangerous together

Their is a study that says that when two people have an experience together that is exhilarating, it makes them more attracted to one another. If your wanting to spice up the mundane in your relationship, this is how to do it!

Examples: Ride four wheelers, go to an amusement park and ride coasters together, go to a shooting range, get on a hot air balloon, sky dive together, go snowboarding/skiing. Do something together that’s going to raise your heart rate and thrill both of you!

3.Get away-like to another town, state or country

Its interesting that when we are in the same place all of the time, doing the same things, with the same routines, we have a personality that mimics our lives however as soon as we leave the place we know, with the personality that goes along with it, we suddenly become a different person even just for the day. We feel different, we want to look different and we just feel so much more alive and excited to be out of our routine! If your just bored with your life, take a weekend with your love even if its just a few towns over or state, or even country if your feeling real extra!

you will come back restored and revitalized!

4. get a service done together

Indulge in a service together! whether it be couples massage, manicure and pedicure, facials, hair treatment, a whole spa day! Relax and unwind with your love and rekindle that romance- then go for a lunch or dinner together ! Finish up with some loving at the end of the night!

5.Attend an event together

Another fantastic bonding experience. Attend a sports game, concert, comedy show, jazz night, salsa event, poetry night, ect. together! This will be a great night for the both of you!

i hope your inspired to make this valentines special and different iint the most authentic way!

Love you lots!

Priscilla Hanna RN, LE


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