Essential Tips of Applying Skincare at Home

Choosing the right products for your skin is a task itself but knowing how to use and apply them is another! Let's go through the dos and don'ts of applying skincare so that you're getting the most out of your products.

Hello, My name is Priscilla Hanna and I am a Master Esthetician and have been working with skin for 9 years. I also am a registered nurse and it is my passion to help women achieve and maintain beautiful skin using a holistic and clinical approach.

Most people are using their skincare wrong and not achieving the results they would like or even creating more skin issues because of this. Here are several tips to level up your skin game and see the results you desire!

I am going to offer you valuable tips and tricks to have and keep your best skin!

Tip #1 - Always apply all your products moving your hands upwards and outwards

Your skin reacts to the tug and pressure that you use when applying skincare. Our skin moves against gravity which means that it pulls downward naturally. If you pull your skin downwards and inwards when applying your skincare it’s only going to cause more sagging and wrinkles of your skin. When applying your skincare move your hands upwards and outwards with a light to medium pressure to encourage skin lifting and elongating creases .

Tip #2 - Use a dabbing technique when removing water/product from your skin. Example: After cleansing

This tip goes along with the previous tip. Again, we want to encourage lifting and elongating the skin when touching our faces. When your drying your skin with a towelette or a more textured towel gently press into your face and allow the towel to absorb the water from your skin instead of pulling your skin and dragging it.

"We want to encourage lifting and elongating the skin when touching our faces"

Tip #3 - A little product goes a long way!

Products can be quite pricey. Using more product than you need is not going to do anything more for your skin than using just enough. Plus, you'll be able to get more use for what you're paying for. Use a nickel size of cleanser, a rice grain size of serum and oils, and a dime size moisturizer, and apply only thin layers of toners, masks, and enzymes.

Tip #4 - The order of your skincare matters

Many of you may be applying your skincare products in the wrong order. This is a big reason why your products are not working for your skin. The first thing you need to know is that cleansing always comes first. After you cleanse of surface debris and remove makeup, you're ready to apply the other products. The next thing you do is apply your toners and mists if you have any. Don't worry if you don't, you'll just move on to the next step. Water soluble serums are afterward. Water soluble serums are serums that have a water base in them. you'll know if the products are water soluble by looking at the ingredient list and seeing water or Aloe in the beginning of the ingredient list. After you have applied all your water-soluble products, you'll then apply any oil or lipid base products. Moisturizers will follow to lock everything in. To finish your SPF will be applied last. Not everyone's skincare routine looks the same but these are basics for applying skincare the most effectively.

Tip #5 - Consistency Matters

Sticking to your routine is important to see a change in your skin. If you are consistent in your skincare routine and after 2-4 weeks you have not seen any change, you may not be using products that are right for you. Finding what works and sticking with it is your best strategy. Consult with an esthetician for the right routine.

Healthy and radiant skin is always in!

Skincare can be tricky but with these tips, you will be well on your way to alive and radiant skin. If you're in need of a skincare consultation and recommendations for your concerns and skin goals please contact Priscilla to schedule a video call consultation.

The Skin Nurse RN, LE

(586) 921 0136


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