How To Achieve A Radiant Glow!

Many women around the globe, with a skincare routine or without, share a common desire. That desire is to be more radiant! You have all heard the common term "THE JLO GLOW", and it seems that women are constantly reaching for the next product that is going to give them that beautiful bright, reflective shine. While it’s true that we can get the glow by using products on our skin, the true glow, called radiance, is achievable by working within ourselves.

What is Radiance?

Radiance is reflection of life force energy flowing through the body. That is all radiance is. It is a seeable force of life in oneself, that is achieved when a woman is embodying her true nature. A good example of radiance is looking at a pregnant woman and seeing that she is glowing from within. She is in her truest nature when she is creating another life. She is radiant.

When is radiance suppressed?

Society has changed, and woman don't fit into a role identity how they used to. Many woman are doing more things that they may not have done in the early industrial ages and that means that they are not embodying their true nature most of the time. Being in your masculine energy too often, suppresses your natural feminine energy. Feminine energy is passive and flowing. When woman are doing feminine things, that is when they truly radiate from within, and outward.

How can I become more radiant?

The key to becoming radiant is to just be, without thought or action. Relax within your body, and feel all the sensations within yourself. RELAXING is the key component to becoming radiant. When you can just be, you tap into the life force within yourself.

What things can I do to connect with my divine/radiant energy?


Woman naturally have a slower moving energy, therefore taking things slowly and not rushing through your tasks, will allow you to remain rooted in your frequency and enjoy what you are doing to the fullest. Everything a woman does has a chance to offer her a sensual experience but cannot happen when she is rushing. The best way that I ground myself back into my energy when I notice I'm rushing is to tell myself that there is no need to rush because it will get done. That statement to myself instantly releases tension and puts me back into a relaxed state.


The thing that keeps us all alive is our breath, and because its an automatic thing that we do, we never really think about it. Most of us are not even taking full breaths during the day and maybe at some points even holding our breath when we are anxious. Taking 10-30 minutes every morning to just notice your breath and inhale and exhale intentionally, will relax your nervous system automatically. Doing breathwork increases lymphatic flow in your body, which naturally detoxes your body system. Also, being aware of your energy increases it which brings more life and vitality into your body, thus creating a natural glow!

*Take a comfortable seat on a yoga mat with your legs crossed. Bring your pointer fingers to meet your thumbs and gently place the back of your hands on your knees. Your palms should be facing upward with your finger and thumb touching. Take a deep breath through your nose, filling up your belly, then exhale through your nose. Repeat that 25 times. Do every morning before starting your day. You can gradually increase your breaths by 5-10 when you feel comfortable.


Dancing is the best way to get in touch with your sexuality. Your sexuality is connected to your sex organs, and your sex organs are connected to your life energy! Woman's life energy has no singular direction, it is constantly flowing in many directions. Dance follows this similar non-pattern of movement, so woman truly feel at home when they are moving their body with the ebbs and flows of their energy. This is the ultimate way to get in touch with your sensuality and move all that condensed energy from your sex organs to your whole body.

* Get in the mirror, put on your favorite song, and go wild!! If your not a dancer, take lessons, or join a group dancing class of your choice. Dancing is meant to be fun and refreshing so its important to take yourself less than seriously. Dance should be an authentic expression of how you feel, not a skill that needs to be done with mastery.


Woman need to express themselves, its apart of our nature to be expressed and seen. Their are many ways to express oneself. Expressing your anger, hurt, pain, sorrow, joy, excitement, love, playfulness. This increases your connection to your divine energy. You don't need to suppress your natural inclination to feel and express, its very healthy for woman, and transformational for everyone around them. More feeling, more radiance!

Take all of the experiences offered to your senses, all the way in! When your eating the meal, TASTE the meal, When your smelling the rose, SMELL the rose, When your partner touches you, FEEL his touch, When your listening the poem, HEAR the poem, when your watching the sunset, SEE the sunset. Indulging in the simple pleasures, does so much good for us. This connects is with our divine nature.

This goes under the umbrella of self-care. It's very simple. When a woman gets her hair done, she feels good, when a woman gets massage, she feels good, when a woman soaks in a warm bath when a woman gets her nails done she feels good. Explore your feel goods and DO THEM OFTEN. Also, be present while your doing them because presence matters. Relaxation=Radiance!


Woman are natural creators, we know this because they carry the energy needed to create life. Creating something, no matter what it may be, will allow you to tap into your imagination and creative flow. If you've never created anything, taking a course or watching YouTube videos is perfect to start! Follow your passions!

That is all for now! Please leave a comment on how you connect with your own feminine essence, I would love to hear!



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