Not all peels are made the same!

Have you ever heard the term chemical peel and immediately pictured a woman's skin peeling off as if she was a shedding snake!?

If you have, I am here to reassure you that this is not the full reality of peels and that there are many reasons why you should not be intimidated to receive one.

First and foremost, there are a wide variety of peels out there and the variety just becomes increasingly greater as chemists learn more about how to create the perfect peel.

Peels mainly consist of acids, derived from natural compounds that exist in nature. The most common of the acids are Lactic, Glycolic, and salicylic. If you are a skin junkie, you most likely have heard of these acids at least once or have a product at home that contains one of these or some of these acids.

Other less common acids such as azelaic and mandelic are making a hot entrance into the skincare game while we keep discovering their benefits.

Chemical Peels have a reputation for causing fear amongst eager clients who seem to shy away from receiving them based on what they see and hear about peels on social media and other sources.

Well, they have a good reason too! However not all peels are made the same, yet they all work to do the same thing, with differing intensities.

Peels are rated by the amount of acid in them and the PH balance of the acid. The greater the percentage of acid inside of a peel, the more intense the peel will be. This means that a 10% Lactic acid will be less intense than a 30% Lactic Acid. The lower the value of the PH, the more intense a peel will be. This means a PH value of 3.5 will be more intense than a PH value of 4.5 on the skin.

Peels can be mild, moderate, or deep which is a good thing for you because you don't have to go through a deep peel to get a desired result. Mild peels cause little to no peeling and don't require any downtime. Moderate peels cause some peeling and may not need any downtime depending on the strength. Deep peels cause a lot of peeling and will require downtime.

If you're like me, and you have sensitive skin but still desire to try a peel, guess what!? You absolutely can! If you want a peel, but you can't take time off of work, you absolutely can!

Peels are amazing for improving texture, mild to moderate acne, brightening dark spots, scarring, and pigmentation, removing dead and dull skin, stimulating skin cell production, and diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. The best part is you don't have to put your skin through a deep peel to get those results!

The main thing if you are considering getting a peel done is that you want to have a conversation with your practitioner and ask important questions. Here are important questions you will want to ask if you're looking to receive a peel

Is this peel mild, moderate, or deep?

Will I need to have downtime after this peel?

Do I need to purchase any post peel care for receiving this peel?

Are there any contraindications to receiving this peel?

Will I be able to receive this peel if I am allergic to certain foods or medications?

What will I need to do to get the best result from this peel?

Does this peel feel uncomfortable?

These are common and important questions to ask before receiving a peel.


Now that you have this information, I hope you feel less intimidated and are ready to get your peel on!

And remember,

Great skin is always in!

Follow me on Instagram for more skincare tips and education


Priscilla Hanna RN, LE

Your provider in aesthetic excellence


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