TOP 6 Benefits of getting facials once a month!

TOP 6 Benefits of getting facials once a month!

Removing dead skin cells

Every 28 days our skin cells turnover and we are left with a few layers of dead skin cells on our face. Skin cell buildup on the face leads to oily/greasy skin, increased breakouts, dullness, and an inability for the skin to breath properly. Although you can exfoliate your skin at home using an enzyme exfoliator, nothing quite deeply cleanses and removes dead skin like a facial does. Think about your skin like your teeth. You can floss and brush everyday, but when you go to the dentist, the hygienist is still digging up plaque from your gums. That's similar to facials, you can exfoliate but you'll still need your esthetician to give more attention to your skin once a month.

2. Improved Circulation

Blood flow is crucial for renewing your skin cells, improving removal of wastes and excess fluid from the lymphatic system, and improving your skins ability to create new and healthy skin cells in the future. This all happens from oxygen which is carried in the blood. The more blood flow we bring into the superficial layer of your skin, the more oxygen your skin will receive, and the better able your skin will be, look, and feel. Decreased puffiness around the eyes and overall face is also a benefit.

3. Age prevention/correction

If you don't use it you loose it! Facials are stimulating for the lymphatic system, circulatory system, and muscles. When your esthetician is performing a facial massage, this is not only working the muscles of your skin, its also helping your skin create more elastin, collagen, repairing damaged skin cells, releasing blocked energy, and de-stressing the face which has immediate effects on the skin and progressive affects overtime! Don't skip your facial treatments because your young. Doing these preventative treatments are essential for keeping your skin youthful!

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It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

4. Improves acne, skin tone, texture and discoloration, and hydration

Facials and mild peels will improve your skins texture, making your skin more smooth, and will create balance in your skin by decreasing skin discoloration and evening skin tone. Now, to optimize facials when your treating acne, skin tone and discoloration, its important to also have a skincare routine at home. Speak with your esthetician and think about really investing & committing to the skincare plan because it truly makes all the difference in your results. Also, facials will improve the hydration in your skin making your skin appear more luminous and fresh and just feel so much softer.

5. Clean Pores

First and foremost. Pores are not something you can actually get rid of. Every single person has a unique amount of pores on their skin, small or big, and this typically depends on their genetics. Pores exist your your skin for a purpose. They are there to excrete oil to keep your skin from getting too dry and inflamed, they excrete waste, they excrete sweat when your too hot, and your skin breathes from your pores. YES! You are a living organism! haha. Pores need to be cleaned out each month because they get clogged from dead skin cells, environmental debris, oil/sweat/ waste mix. Removing clogged pored will help your pored stay intact and small, and allow your skin to properly function and breathe

6. Relaxation

In the treatment room, its all about you. For 60 minutes your esthetician is giving your face all the needed love and all you need to do is lay down, breath and relax and enjoy the pampering. Facials feel amazing and they also deeply relax your nervous system. Releasing blocked tension in your face and spending 60 minutes to yourself with calming music and the smell of skincare products. SIGN ME UP! Getting facials are the ultimate pick me up that is multi-beneficial! worth it? Definitely!

SO now that your see the benefits of facials once a month and are inspired to take care of the skin that you in, what are you waiting for?? Your best skin starts with your commitment to it! Find your local top reviewed esthetician around you and start taking care of your skin today!



Priscilla Hanna

IG: Skinnurse_Priscilla


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