Everything you need to know about Botox.

Botox is and has remained the top service for treating fine lines and wrinkles. It is the holy grail for continuing to look young and with all the advancements in the skincare industry it still has not been replaced by another technology for treating fine lines and wrinkles.

Why is this? What is botox? What does it do? How does Botox magically remove fine lines/wrinkles? How does Botox continue to keep those lines from forming overtime?

Firstly, fine lines and wrinkles are created by our facial muscles, sun damage and loss of fatty tissue under the skin. Their are two types of lines being created on our skin, both from muscle use.

The first type of line is called a dynamic line and it is a line that we create on our face when we are using the muscle. The line is not very apparent unless we are using the facial muscle that creates the line. For example, a person who doesn’t have apparent horizontal lines on their forehead when their forehead is relaxed however when they lift their frontalis muscle, the lines show up. Dynamic lines show when a muscle is being used.

The other type of line is Static. It was once a dynamic line but due to constant use of the muscle over time, natural aging, and damage, the line is apparent on the face regardless if the muscle is activated or not because a fold has been created. For example if you think about an older individual, their face can be relaxed but the lines will be there.

So what is Botox and how does it work?

Botox is a protein derived from a bacterium, Botulinum Toxin, which when injected into the muscles underneath the skin, put the muscle to sleep, relaxing the muscle, therefore making the line created by the muscle under the skin disappear.

Botox is a really good preventative treatment for dynamic and static lines caused overtime. While it works well for those who already have static lines, the deeper static lines become harder to treat.

Botox has been called preventative because it prevents use of a muscle, preventing dynamic lines, therefore preventing static lines.

A good time to start using Botox would be between the ages of 25-45. After 45 depending on a persons overall skin health, more Botox is needed to achieve the result and you will be correcting what has already formed.

Botox still remains the number one face treatment for aging with unparalleled competition because it targets the source of how fine lines and wrinkles are being formed.

If your looking to make those fine lines and wrinkles vanish, book a consultation with me to get started!


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