Lip Flip Vs Lip Filler

Lip Flip VS. Lip Filler

Are you thinking about filling your lips? Or maybe flipping your lip? Maybe both?

One thing for sure is that a Lip Flip and Lip Fillers are two different treatments that create different results for your lips. To decide the treatment you are looking to get done its a good thing to differentiate between the two.

A Lip Flip is an advanced injection technique using Botox. The injection of Botox into the Muscle of the upper lip causes eversion of the Upper Lip giving the illusion of a fuller upper lip and also slightly elongating the lips as well because of relaxation of the muscle. This procedure takes less than 5 minutes to inject and results from this treatment show from 7-10 days and last up to 3 months.

Lip Fillers are used to actually add volume into the lips and make them bigger by adding fillers into them. Lip fillers are used to change the shape of the lips, smooth lip lines, hydrate, add volume and create lip symmetry. This treatment takes up to an hour or more, results are visible immediately but true results are seen after two weeks and last up to 6-8 months!

Now that you are aware of these differences, which treatment is better suited for you? Lip Filler? Lip Flip? Both?

You can book a Botox or Lip Filler consultation with me, Priscilla Hanna RN Injector, so we can create a treatment that’s best suited for what you want!

Priscilla Hanna RN, LE

Your Provider in Aesthetic Excellence


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