5 Tips to make 2024 your year!

As 2024 approaches we may be overwhelmed by your busy schedule of the holidays or feeling extra cozy and joyful during the season. Whatever you are feeling, its no doubt that the season is coming to end and we will soon embrace another year!

Lets forget resolutions altogether and instead create lifestyle changes that are going to level up the way we think, act, feel and look.

Here are my 5 best tips for you to make 20204 your year!

1.Set Intentions for the year- Most people don’t end up taking in the years that pass them by because they have not really sat with themselves and asked themselves the question, what do I want out of the year?. Grab a journal, and think about this question. How do I want my year to look? Do I want to feel better? How many vacations would I like to go on? Do I want to start a new routine? Do I want to make my relationships a priority? Do I want to learn something new? Once you answer questions like these, you can then figure out how you are going to get that of which you want. A Harvard study found that people who write down their goals are 3x more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. This is crucial. To make 2024 your year, you have to decide that its going to be and write that down.


1.Make Sleep a priority- Many studies have been done on sleep and they all have come to the conclusion that not getting enough sleep has a big impact on our health. Sleep deprivation is known to cause premature skin aging, create impulsive behaviors and weight gain, impact and disrupt memory, raises risk of heart disease, create irritability, causes us to have slower reaction times, lowers immunity defenses, and we simply don’t feel good. Adults should be getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep according to research to be functioning optimally from inside out!


2. Spend time relaxing your nervous system- The hustle and bustle never seems to stop these days and that’s why we have to find ways to slow down and relax our nervous system. We are in overdrive most of the time that we may lack the awareness that our nerves are jacked up. If you really want to make 2024 your year and not burnout, you’ll need to make time for relaxation and commit to that time for yourself. This includes things like focusing on breathing 10 minutes a day, meditating to music, going for walks in nature, unplugging from your phone, getting monthly massages or facials, taking up creative hobbies, reading a book that allows your mind to escape from reality, taking naps.

Its popular to believe that you need to continually be doing something or you will fail, but studies have shown that using everyday nerve calming techniques make your brain and body work more optimally and heal you body so that you can keep going without burnout or acute sicknesses.

Create Routines! - Predictability is without a doubt really good for the mind because it reduces the stress that comes with everyday life. Not only that but having routines are very productive and positive for alot of individuals. It gives us a sense of control in our lives and often improves our lives in the way we desire. In fact 92% of highly successful people have a solid morning routine. So pick something that will improve you overtime when done routinely and stick with it!

Do things that connect you to a greater purpose- Whether being involved in a similar interest group, or local community, or belief group, find ways to find your community that connects you to a network of individuals who share things in common with you and connect you to a greater purpose in life!

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Priscilla Hanna RN, LE

Your provider in aesthetic excellence.


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