Why you should be getting Microneedling treatments after age 25

Microneedling gets all the hype as one of the most sought out advanced treatments for preventative aging and for a good reason!

After the age of 25 our collagen/elastin begins decreasing and the rate at which we produce new collagen/elastin cells begins to decrease as well

You're probably asking yourself what that has to do with microneedling?.

Well, microneedling is relevant because it is one of the best treatments to increase collagen/elastin cells and also, continue keeping the rate at which we are producing these cells higher than it would be if we weren’t doing these treatments.

Microneedling is a treatment that uses your body's natural immune response to naturally release a plethora of healing factors within your skin matrix.

So how does Microneedling actually work?

Microneedling is pricking of the skin using a specifically designed device with microneedles to create controlled injury to the skin.

Immediately, once injury has been created,  your skin senses there is an injury to the localized area, which then it communicates to the brain through a feedback loop, causing your body to start the  healing process on a cellular level.

This is the process:

Injury(the treatment itself) 👉 Angiogenesis(creating new blood vessels) 👉collagen 1&3( 90% of collagen that provides structure and elasticity for the skin and arteries)👉tissue remodeling(reorganization and renovation of existing tissues and release of growth factors, cytokines, turnover of extracellular matrix).

So much goodness begins to happen for your skin from just one treatment and you won’t believe this fact about Microneedling!

What that means for you, is that you're going to release more collagen building proteins and continue reaping the benefits of this procedure for up to two years!

If your looking for a treatment that really pays for itself and gives you progressive results overtime for the best value, don't skip out on getting this treatment done!

One treatment of Microneedling will stimulate fibroblast cells for up to two years after initial treatment!

Priscilla Hanna RN,LE

Your provider in Aesthetics Excellence.


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